GlideWing Home Sound Healing Workshop Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Workshop Registration
Workshop Disclaimer

About Tibetan Sound Healing

About Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Sacred Syllables: An Interview

Workshop Structure and Syllabus

Workshop Registration

Workshop Disclaimer (please read)

Ligmincha Home Page

About The Following Legal Disclaimer:

The following section is included for legal purposes. We ask that you read these terms before enrolling in this course. 
Legal Disclaimer: Neither the producers (Glidewing Inc. dba Glidewing Productions) nor anyone else associated with the creation, production, publication and distribution of this online course (collectively, the “Producers”) are liable for any real or perceived mishap, malady or injury, physical or mental or emotional or psychological, or exacerbation of any condition, resulting from following any of the instructions or advice given within this course, entitled “Tibetan Sound Healing” hereafter referred to as “The Online Course” or “This Course” or “The Course”. There shall be no joint and several liability among the producers and/or the publishers and distributors and teachers and trainers involved in creating and presenting this course. While a technique for healing on many levels is the main focus of this online course, it is not meant to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. By registering for and/or using and taking part in this course, you hereby release and forever discharge Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Robert and Marina Felix, the producers and artists and distributors and assistants, and the publishers of any material used, and all heirs and successors and assigns, from all claims and demands which might arise by reason of personal injury, or mental or emotional or psychological issues or injuries of any nature whatsoever, which you, the user, of this online course might suffer or perceive to suffer during or after using this online course and/or by following any of the instructions and procedures and advice this course offers. You, the user, represent by registering and using and participating in this online course, The Sound Healing Workshop, that you are solely responsible for any physical, mental, emotional, psychological or spiritual problems and maladies, that might arise or that you might perceive to arise, from following any of the concepts, procedures and advice offered within the content of this online course, whether directly stated or perceived or implied or assumed.
Presented by GlideWing Productions

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