Online Schedule as of March 25, 2025
Introduction to Lucid Dreaming
Awakening to a New Reality
March 29 - April 20, 2025
Everyone has the capacity to learn lucid dreaming, and our process starts with cultivating techniques that develop deep mental, emotional and physical relaxation through daytime mindfulness practices and audio-guided exercises. There will be night-time and early morning training to help you expand your awareness of natural biorhythms that provide ample opportunity for personal growth. In observing the movement of your conscious awareness throughout the day and night, you will discover the times in which the soil is most fertile and fruitful for you to practice.
The tools and techniques you will learn are based on a combination of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge brainwave research. Each session in this course will include experiential exercises that will help you enhance your journey of consciousness, featuring the SAM and Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technologies.
Thomas Hasenberger and Luigi Sciambarella, both highly experienced Monroe Institute off-campus residential and guest trainers, are your guides for this three-week intensive course.
Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich":
Thirteen Keys to a Successful Life
April 5-27, 2025
This online course is based on Napoleon Hill’s classic work, Think and Grow Rich, the best-selling philosophy for success of all time and still the #1 book on personal development ever written. Think and Grow Rich is a manifesto for living the life you were born for – and a blueprint for success of all kinds, including financial, professional, personal, physical, and spiritual. Originally published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich has gone on to sell tens of millions of copies, and transformed the fortunes – and dreams – of many of the most successful people, from all walks of life, in the last 80 years. The 13 Steps to Riches contained in the philosophy create a roadmap to success that has proven to work for countless entrepreneurs, students, CEO’s, and anyone who wants to discover the extraordinary program to achieve their own personal goals.
Developing Intuition:
Awaken Your Intuitive Abilities
April 19 - May 4, 2025
In this course, we guide you through a step-by-step process to learn how to readily access and use intuition with greater clarity and confidence in your everyday life. You will learn about the nature of intuition, how to understand the unique language in which it communicates with you, and how to access inner guidance and information with your intuitive skills. You may be surprised at how natural your ability is already, and how much more powerful it will be after completing the course.
Online support and guidance is provided by Patty Ray Avalon, Former Residential Facilitator at the Monroe Institute.
The Shaman's Mind:
Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Change Your Life
April 26 - May 18, 2025
Just as shamans have done for millennia, throughout this course you too will explore hidden and invisible realities, learn to work with energy for manifestation, use the power of imagination and visualization for healing, heal the past and attract a better future, and begin to embody and speak the symbolic and paradoxical language of spirit.
Huna is the esoteric shamanic tradition that comes from the heart of Polynesia and the indigenous spiritual teachings of Hawaii. Once considered a secret knowledge (Huna means “secret” in Hawaiian) and available only to a select group of people, this extraordinary set of practices, principles, ideas and methodologies allow the western psyche to understand and master the way of the great shamans of the past.
Secrets of Time, Money, Dreaming and Enlightenment:
Finding Stillness and Ease in a World Gone Mad
April 26 - June 8, 2025
In our society, there is enormous pressure to choose material existence at the expense of the inner quest.
We are told that Time IS Money and to waste time on nonmaterial pursuits, such as Dreaming or Enlightenment,
is a frivolous indulgence. Ironically, our unquestioning acceptance of that cliché leads to rejection of powerful
and creative resources – the very tools necessary for navigating an otherwise uncertain physical world.
It is the Heart that is able to lead the way while bridging the gap between our inner and outer lives.
Personal support and guidance is provided for this six-week course
by Paul Rademacher.
The Nature of Mind
May 3-25, 2025
This ancient Tibetan
Meditation practice teaches you to enter the state of
pure awareness that leads to peace, joy, and ultimately, to full
self-realization. These teachings are a direct introduction to
the nature of mind. Not only will you learn how to heal your
day-to-day life, make it lighter and more joyful, but through
the profound simplicity of this practice, you can recognize and
connect with your innermost essence, the nature of your mind as
Buddha or Pure Consciousness.
Personal support and guidance is provided by Geshe
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche throughout this three-week, experiential workshop.
Living Quantum Spirituality:
The Journey to Quantum Enlightenment
May 10 - June 8, 2025
Quantum Physics gives us a window into the nature of the world that surrounds us, and the more we learn, the more we understand that science and spirit are leading us on the same path. Dr. Amit Goswami calls this "Quantum Enlightenment", and it can transform your life. Join Dr. Goswami on a journey of discovery.
Lucid Dreaming and Living Lucidly:
Gateway to the Inner Self
May 15 - June 9, 2025
This four-week online workshop reaches out to all explorers of
Lucid Dreaming – from
the inexperienced beginner to those who have ventured far along
the path. The personal guidance and support provided by Robert
Waggoner, Gillian Thetford and Ed Kellogg will take you much deeper than the lucid dreaming
basics. In this workshop, you will learn how experienced lucid
dreamers use this state to access personal creativity, inner
knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
On the surface, lucid dreaming seems simple, curious and fun – a paradoxical state in which you know you are dreaming, while you are dreaming.
There, you can fly through space, create fire breathing dragons or magical unicorns, and cast spells like Harry Potter, all in the safety of
your subconscious mind. Lucid dreaming’s potential for creative play and joyous pleasures seems infinite.
Throughout history, experienced lucid dreamers have used lucid dreaming as an expressway into greater spiritual development, realizing the nature of
consciousness and the inter-connected knowing that Carl Jung theorized as the collective unconscious. Some, like the Indian Buddhist yogi, Naropa, have
suggested that the main technique of dream yoga, lucid dreaming, offers serious students one of the six pathways to enlightenment.
Exploring the Realms of Consciousness:
A Hemi-Sync® Excursion to Focus 10, 12 and 15
May 17 - June 8, 2025
Join Monroe Institute residential trainer Carol Joyce on an experiential exploration of expanded states of consciousness using Hemi-Sync®, the groundbreaking audio technology developed by Robert A. Monroe. While in these states you will be guided to explore, to understand, and to remember what you perceive. The workshop includes ten downloadable Hemi-Sync® guided exercises voiced by Robert Monroe, supporting you through your own personal journey.
Support and guidance is provided by Monroe Institute Residential Trainer Carol Joyce throughout the duration of the three-week course.
Tibetan Dream Yoga:
Ancient Teachings from the Dzogchen Tradition
June 7 - July 6, 2024
It is said that the practice of dream yoga deepens our awareness during all our experience: the dreams of the night; the dream-like experience of the day; and the bardo experiences after death. Indeed, the practice of dream yoga is a powerful tool of awakening, used for hundreds of years by the great masters of the Tibetan traditions. Unlike in the Western psychological approach to dreams, the ultimate goal of Tibetan dream yoga is the recognition of the nature of mind or enlightenment itself.
Discovering Your Inner Wisdom:
The Journey to Ultimate Liberation
This workshop was formerly titled The Truth That Sets You Free.
July 19 - August 10, 2025
Nearly all of us feel strongly attached to our physical body and to our sense of identity as a professional, a spouse, a son or daughter, for example. But our genuine self is far simpler, and more profound, than any of these. Through the practice of sleep yoga and other guided meditations, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche helps you to discover the truth of who you are: a sense of spacious awareness that is beyond the ego-based identity and which is eternal, changeless, indestructible, and serene. Realizing this truth is what liberates us from the fear and negative emotions that have trapped us in suffering. It can help us overcome fear even during the most challenging moments, including the time of our own death.
Finding Meaning and Guidance in Your Dreams
September 20 - October 12, 2025
Are you using the incredible wisdom, creativity and insight available to you each night? In this experiential DreamSynergy™ workshop,
Justina Lasley guides you through practical exercises for understanding the meaning of your dreams so that you develop skills for
becoming your own dream counselor. She shares with you how dreams have positively impacted her life in areas of health, relationships,
and career. Justina will introduce you to practices that you can make a part of your life so your dreams become a nightly resource for
living a more purposeful, successful and healthier existence. You will learn to easily remember, record, and analyze your dreams to
better understand yourself and your life.
Continuing Education Credits (10 CEUs) are available for completing the Interpreting Your Dreams workshop for an additional $15 fee.
Ageless, Timeless: Creating an Ageless You
In progress through April 13, 2025
Our thoughts and feelings affect our bodies, and we are powerful creators based on how we choose to focus our minds. The body listens to every message we think and say, so it is vitally important to develop new habits in thought, to create the life we want, including an ageless physical body, an active, lively mind and a full and loving emotional life.
This course will teach you methods for using positive intention and deep relaxation to help rewrite the script for aging. With ten specially designed Hemi-Sync® audio exercises, you will enter into a new world of possibilities for yourself!
Online support and guidance is provided by Patty Ray Avalon, Residential Facilitator at the Monroe Institute since 1999.
opening to the infinite:
The Art and Science of Remote Viewing
and Non-Local Consciousness
In progress through April 6, 2025
Your registration also includes the Remote Viewing Gold Standard Course by Stephan Schwartz at no additional cost!
Opening to the Infinite represents the culmination of nearly 50 years of research into the nature of consciousness by one of the leading consciousness researchers of our time, Stephan A. Schwartz. Stephan takes you into the world of Remote Viewing, Dream Crafting, and Therapeutic Intention. It gives you practical techniques for mastering these skills, as well as a foundation for achieving the ability to sustain Intentioned Focused Awareness, the key to bringing these skills into your life.
The Magical Path:
A Practical Guide to Mastering the Power of Intention and Manifestation
In progress through March 30, 2025
This three-week online workshop is for anyone who wants to chart a new course in life, eliminate fears and doubts, and follow a spiritual path to success. If you’re not clear about your dreams — if they’ve been buried beneath a mountain of stress, routine, and obligations — you can get clear very soon. You’ll recognize and empower your unique dreams so that they become bigger than any of your doubts and fears. The Magical Path workshop provides a profoundly uplifting blueprint for moving beyond old blind spots and blockages and stepping into a brand new phase of your life and includes ten downloadable Hemi-Sync® guided audio exercises. Personal support and guidance is provided by Marc Allen.
Empower Yourself:
Change Starts Within - Here's How
In progress through March 16, 2025
What both empirical experience and research shows is that you as an individual can make a difference just by your individual choices, attitudes, and intentions. And when you actively join with others working for a common goal to increase wellness and happiness, particularly if you follow the eight laws presented in this workshop, it is truly possible to create a better, more life-affirming world. It has been done before, and you can do it again. This is how.
the Sacred Body:
the Tibetan Yogas of Breath and Movement
February 15 - March 9, 2025
This three-week online workshop, with personal guidance from Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, makes accessible the ancient Tibetan Yogic Practices of Breath and Movement. These practices will awaken your subtle energy body, opening and clearing your energy centers and channels. They will help to bring you physical fitness, mental well-being and spiritual growth, and allow the natural human qualities of love, compassion, joy and equanimity to arise. Suitable for both physically fit and beginners with no physical training. Personal support and guidance is provided by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Astral Dynamics Practical Intensive
On-Demand Training Course
The Astral Dynamics Practical Intensive is a home-study retreat that gives you an opportunity to develop inner stillness, develop your subtle energy body, and expand your awareness of the greater reality that surrounds us all. This is an experiential course, that helps you build a solid foundation for your spiritual development, and extends into a personal exploration of the phenomena of lucid dreaming and the out of body experience (projections of conscious awareness). Learn More »
Our Incredible Journey:
Life, Death and Beyond
On-Demand Training Course
We are all approaching a magnificent journey of consciousness beyond the body. For many of us, the time has come to expand our awareness beyond the beliefs of our youth and explore our own amazing spiritual existence. Always remember that we are powerful beings who possess the ability not only to create our current environment, but to shape our continuing existence beyond this life as well.
Prepare for a wild ride; the raw truth of our existence is far more mind-bending than any work of fiction. We are magnificent, creative, and eternal beings who are learning and evolving through intense physical experiences. The universal path we travel is an individual journey that begins with the courage to open our minds to question everything. The key is to awaken and become an active participant in our personal spiritual path - not just a passive believer in it.
Each session in this course will end with a meditation or technique to help you enhance your journey of consciousness, featuring the SAM and Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technologies, along with an Independent Practice intended for you to incorporate the material into your daily activity.
Adventures Beyond the Body:
Mastering the Out-of-Body Experience
On-Demand Training Course
$100.00 Discount Extended Through March 31st!
William Buhlman is the world’s leading expert on out-of-body travel, conducting workshops around the world for over twenty five years. Now for the first time he has assembled his teaching material for an online workshop offered exclusively through GlideWing Productions. Whether you are a curious beginner or an experienced traveler that wants to sharpen your skills there is valuable knowledge here for you.
This workshop includes eleven downloadable guided meditations and exercises featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, voiced by William Buhlman including two selections from his Hemi-Sync CD Album, "Out-of-Body Techniques."
Secrets of Energy Work, Healing, and the Subtle Energy Body
On-Demand Training Course
Energy work has many practical uses. It improves physical health and self-healing and accelerates all aspects of spiritual and psychic development. Running energy through your energy body stimulates your physical body’s own powerful self-healing mechanisms and connects you with your higher self.
The Healing Power of Sacred Sleep:
Wisdom and Guidance for Troubled Times
To be announced
Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. In this course, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche guides you through proven techniques for addressing stress and anxiety, while integrating ancient Tibetan teachings to bring the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of the best sleep practices into your daily life.
All new workshop includes six downloadable guided meditations. Personal support and guidance is provided by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche throughout this three-week, experiential workshop.
Healing From the Source
Meditation As Medicine for Body and Mind
To be announced
This three-week online workshop, with personal support and guidance from Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, is based on ancient teachings of dzogchen from the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition. The course is designed to help one to discover the “great healer within.” The core teachings of dzogchen introduce us to the nature of mind, to our own inner refuge, the true source of healing. Everyone has access to this source through the “three doors” of body, speech, and mind, Rinpoche has explained. He describes stillness of the body, silence of speech, and spaciousness of the mind as the “three precious pills”—a powerful medicine you can take at any time, with no side effects, to help divert you from your self-punishing tendencies, clear pain and negativity, cultivate awareness, and ultimately access the healing qualities that spontaneously arise in that space.
the Sacred Arts:
Discovering your Creative Potential
To be announced
The Tibetan spiritual traditions tell us that unleashing our dynamic creative energy is a matter of recognizing and tapping into the wellspring of creativity that already exists within us. This four-week online workshop is for anyone who seeks to usher a vision into reality - whether through creative problem solving, personal growth, or bringing creative artistry to a whole new level. Personal support and guidance is provided by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
A Journey to Self-Realization:
Discover the Best of Who You Are and Can Be
To be announced
Many of the world's spiritual traditions are founded on a single, fundamental truth: that the source of all suffering in life is a mistaken sense of identity. We are forever searching for the light that can dispel the darkness of our uncomfortable thoughts and emotions; yet, we can't see that we already are the light we are seeking.
Personal support and guidance is provided by Geshe
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (this workshop was previously titled "Who Am I?").
Tibetan Sound Healing
To be announced
Since ancient times meditative practices from many spiritual traditions have used sound and its vibration as an essential tool for healing and spiritual development. Through singing and chanting, spiritual practitioners and healers are able to purify and restore harmony within physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. In this course you will learn to use the healing power of five sacred syllables referred to as the Five Warrior Syllables. Guided by the mind and carried by the breath through subtle channels within the body, the power of sound will open the potential to bring joy and love to your life, facilitate personal healing, dissolve energetic disturbances, and awaken positive action in the world around you. Personal support and guidance is provided by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

$100.00 Discount Extended Through March 31st!
In this self-guided, on-demand training course, William Buhlman shares his own personal experiences and the methods and practices he has successfully used for decades to journey beyond the physical. His own ability to move throughout the non-physical world and the evidence he has gathered from thousands of students makes a unique combination of wisdom that is now available to you in the comfort and privacy of your home.
2025 Schedule Update
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue in the upcoming New Year.
To enjoy good health, bring true happiness to one’s family, and bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s mind. If a person can control his or her mind, they can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to them.
We invite you to join us and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for another year of ancient and precious Tibetan teachings, and we are pleased to share with you our schedule for 2025:
Awakening the Sacred Body: February 15 - March 9
Tibetan Meditation: May 3 - 25
Tibetan Dream Yoga: June 7 - July 6
Discovering Your Inner Wisdom: July 19 - August 10
Zhiné Meditation: Free with Open Registration
Discounts Available for Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's GlideWing Workshops
For the last several years, we have been offering discounts for repeating a workshop you have previously attended with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as well as for enrolling in three or more of his GlideWing workshops in advance, and the 25% discounts continue for 2025.
25% Discount for enrolling in a workshop that you have previously attended
25% discount for enrolling in three or more workshops in advance
Check out the GlideWing Podcasts on YouTube
Over the years we have been honored to work with so many phenomenal people, and we have accumulated an enormous library of recordings, both video and audio. We thought it was time to share with you the wealth of knowledge and insight that is contained in our archives as well as from the libraries of our teachers, friends and associates.
In the Podcast Playlist on our YouTube "Tranquility" Channel, you will find talks, interviews and discussions from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Dr. Charles Tart, Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Dr. Amit Goswami, Dean Radin, Nassim Haramein, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, and Robert Bruce, to name a few. With much more to come. Enjoy!
Enjoy a little freedom from a world gone mad, whether it's a little cat nap, a meditation, a massage or some yoga, with our selection of free extended-play videos featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology for deep relaxation, stress reduction or peaceful, healing sleep.
Check out the GlideWing Tranquility Channel on YouTube
Alternate Payment Option Available
For those of you who have requested an alternate payment method to PayPal, we offer a Stripe checkout, accepting all major credit cards, available now on our course site. Click here >> for more information and to register and enroll in a teacher-guided workshop or a self-guided course.
"It was great to study with and to learn from people who are so open minded and take seriously the same topics which are important to me. The workshop was like being on a trip after which your horizons became broader." — Diana, Switzerland
"To receive so powerful teachings in the context of a home retreat has been for me a unique experience. And to have the opportunity to integrate them in my everyday life at the same time... I have no words to express the gratitude I feel for this gift!" — Martine, France
"I am astounded by what a rich experience this has been. Being able to ask the teacher questions was a real gift. The format of the workshop was so user-friendly. I can't say enough about how much I have enjoyed and benefited from this experience. Thank you." — Kim, U.S.
"This has been one of the most important things I have done in my life. It has set a completely new way of living for me. I gained so much more from this course than I have ever hoped for.." — Karim, UAE
"This was an amazing learning modality! I cannot express my joy and appreciation enough. The videos, forums, MP3's and community have been life-altering." — Hathi, U.S.
"This platform was marvelous. I have participated in online learning systems, but to me this was the most user-friendly and robust. Kudos to GlideWing!" — Clara, U.S.
"I have found this workshop to be very comprehensive and profound. Doing this course on-line allows for a direct integration of the practices into everyday life. My sincere thanks.." — Tanya, Australia
"These wondrous teachings have brought me a clearer understanding of myself and my universe around me and have enriched my life with a greater peace and clarity and have brought me even closer to the infinite spirit within me." — George, Australia
"It was great to learn these teachings from a real expert on the subject. The online community and support was wonderful." — Andrew, U.S.
"This is what I call true facilitation: mental and emotional support combined with effective practices. These concepts can be applied by people of every culture and religion. I feel like I really have acquired tools to grow and look forward to gaining competence by using them." — Theresa, Germany
"I really appreciated this format, so that I can return to the classes to examine details I may have overlooked. I loved the connectivity of the forum as well." — Suzanne, U.S.
"This is the most remarkable workshop I have ever taken. It covers advanced spiritual topics stripped of religious trappings and to a greater depth and clarity than I have ever experienced before.. I has been my privilege to have taken this workshop." — Maria, U.S.
"Initially I was apprehensive about learning online, now I prefer it to attending a conference or structured event. The Video clips are short and to the point, making the format conducive to learning. The facilitators are attentive and answered my questions in a timely manner. I was very pleased with the entire program. Again thanks." — Pamela, U.S.
"The support of the online community was what surprised me the most. Truly one of the most effective online course I have taken." — Diana, USA
"The course made a lot of profound concepts accessible and I will continue to go back to and benefit from what I learnt for a long time. The support.. was wonderful: personal, supportive and insightful. It really added to the learning experience." — A.R., UK
"This course has been an eye opener and game changer for me! I am integrating the practice in my daily life.. Thank You!" — Christopher, U.S.
"I feel that this was the most valuable workshop in my life. The thousand years old teachings of the Bon lineage presented in a nice and simple to understand and absorb method for the western mind. Thank you Rinpoche and Glidewing!" — Orestis, Greece
"This is the most practical workshop I ever have attended. Dr. Tart teaches with wisdom and compassion. He responded all our questions with great care, love and clarity. I enjoyed so much in reading his responses. It is a life changing experience for me." — Cindy, U.S.
"What an incredible experience this workshop was. Not only was the site intuitive to navigate, and the instructions and materials top notch, but Robert Waggoner's hands-on personalized attention took the workshop to the next level. Highly recommended." — Sophia, U.S.
"This was a phenomenal course and really so relevant to modern life. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Peter." — Christopher, U.K.
"The ability to ask questions of Rinpoche and to see the questions of other participants along with Rinpoche's answers was invaluable. This type of sharing increases the learning so much. We seem to be physically located so far away from each other, and yet this space was a shared space. The opportunity to have instruction in the midst of 'every day' activities and responsibilities was particularly useful — to see the immediate impact/benefit of the teachings in my daily life." — Jennifer, Canada
"I liked a lot bringing mindfulness to "real" life in such a simple and effective way." — Leticia, Mexico
"..having the opportunity to learn under the guidance of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a priceless gift. I've found the online format, structure and length of the workshops particularly appropriate to develop and train and practice. My heartfelt thanks!" — S.B., Switzerland
"Very powerful and life-changing, the course was exactly what was appropriate for me at this point in my life and it's power, if one is receptive, is beyond logical comprehension.. I am very grateful to Stephan Schwartz for the work that has gone into developing it and for the support provided during the course, and for the organization and flexibility from GlideWing." — Roberto, Cyprus
"Super nice, useful and fast personal comments from the instructor in the discussion forum!" — Alex, Germany
"This is a wonderful concise course and the best meditation instruction I have ever received, and I will not hesitate to recommend it to friends and clients. I am so excited and energised by what I have learned!" — Julie, U.K.
"I really loved this workshop. The tools are very powerful and yet very simple. This is something that I can apply and do right away and watch the results unfold. This is exactly what I needed. I am so used to complex...and then you just don't actually do it because it is too hard. The fact that Marc has achieved such success and has used these techniques really speaks to their power. Thank you so, so much for this wonderful opportunity." — Rowynn, U.S.
"I thought the opportunity to study these teachings and have this experience without having to get on an airplane was an awesome experience." — Kym, U.S.
"The Workshop was more profound and Rinpoche's presence stronger than I could have imagined. A guided journey to one's true nature that everybody should take." — Reija, Finland
"The most powerful experience I have ever had in a course. The content was excellent and incredibly engaging... To be honest, the results were better than what I expected in terms of accuracy before the course... I want to thank Stephan for the learning and the course itself." — Daniel, UK
"An enjoyable and true learning experience with the tools to practice and further ones development." — Pareese, USA
"The staff at Glidewing are professional, pleasant and prompt to take care of any questions or technical issues you have. I have enjoyed my time with Glidewing and I will surely come back again." — Carol, U.S.
"It was a very deep experience. A treasure for my life. A new way to be. Thanks very much for this so precious gift!" — Guido, Switzerland
"I found the videos very helpful and insightful. I had the book but hearing the teachings from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche himself is greatly beneficial." — Peggy, U.S.
"I find Dr Tart's even-handed treatment of scientific and spiritual approaches rare and special. The Course's design, involving the introduction of three particular techniques in sequence, is mastery. The teacher's presentation of each technique is clear and appealing." — Jeremy, Switzerland
"Beautifully filmed and carefully woven together by a strong and loving teacher, this was a profound journey.. A heartfelt thanks to all the team for putting this together and enabling Oscar's teachings to reach people across the world." — H.C., Germany
"I am grateful for the depth, elegance and clarity that the Dream Yoga workshop and practice provide. I quickly noticed positive change in my waking life." — Karen, U.S.
"The program was excellent and well organized - the information current and applications practical." — Jo, USA
"The beauty and simplicity of this course, combined with the awesome conviction and delivery of Marc Allen makes for certain magic. This is a man who walks his talk.. This is abundance based beauty from within to the outside world, alchemic joy and visualisation empowerment. I have found the techniques useful and already change and forward movement manifest more easily. This has cleared blocks and facilitated ease in change.. Loved it!!!!" — Katherine, Australia
"This progressive, simple and step-by-step approach is very interesting, rich and insightful. The content of this workshop, generously shared by Dr Tart, will definitely improve and upgrade my daily practice in the following weeks. Gratitude." — Esther, Canada
"Like always, the experience took me deeper and opened me up further than I could have imagined. I always get a clearer sense of life when I step into Rinpoche's teachings and try them for myself. So very very grateful." — Corry, Japan
"It was a very personal workshop.. I enjoyed a great engagement and support of Justina Lasley and Robert Waggoner. Thanks!" — Marlise, Switzerland
"Everybody always told me that happiness comes from the inside, but, until now, nobody showed me how to actually go inside and experience it. Through this practice I´ve come to believe that this inside happiness exists, and that it´s possible for me to experience it if I¨m willing to do the work." — Jesse, Mexico
"The course content is precise.., well focused and easy to follow & practice." — Chowdappa, India
"What I loved most concerning Stephan Schwartz' "Opening to the Infinite" 2014 online workshop is the simple, direct and precise manner with which he goes through sometimes complex concepts, experiences or procedures, but also that he uses the right words to make us want to cross with him the boundaries of time, of space and of our intellectual and spiritual comfort zones." — Jean-Luc, France
"This was a wonderful way to connect with Rinpoche, the practice and sangha from all around the world. The month-long format allowed for a deepening of each step of the practice, so that transformation could happen and be observed over time. The support of having Rinpoche holding the space for us and personally responding to questions was invaluable." — May, U.S.
"The most I like is being together, is being supported, is knowing you're not alone. There is always someone online or practising somewhere and we can connect and stay connect." — J.S., Netherlands
"The presentations were clear and Kenn was very helpful and answered any questions I had. The workshop format was great and the course easy to access." — B., U.S.
"I am always so grateful to have this connection with Rinpoche and on-line sangha. I'm sure we are a very special community in the world, and this world is looking more and more beautiful everyday. Thank you from my heart." — Selina, Singapore
"I recognize and deeply appreciate that this format has made accessible a precious and important teaching to a wide audience that otherwise would not be possible. This teaching is highly pertinent to the current times we are in!" — S.B., Australia
"This has been a very rewarding workshop on a personal level, and the teachings have been passed on in a very genuine way by Don Oscar Miro Quesada. The help from the Glidewing team had also been fantastic, and very welcoming and accommodating." — Steven, U.S.
"It was the most interesting training I ever attended! - the format - e-learning - is wonderful (I did not had the cost of transportation or hotel, I did not had to take days off at work and .... very important: I was able to rewind again and again and again and ...., ) - the content was !extremely! interesting" — Dominique, Belgium
"This has been wonderful transformative process. … Shame and fear transformed to openness and confidence. I am very very happy now!" — Taru, Helsinki, Finland
"I have 20 years of training as therapist and scientist. I found this course the most potent technique for self-work with the shadow and the allowing of free expression from the internal self. I'm so happy for [being able to] take it." — Miguel, Peru
"Great workshop! Really enjoyed the flexibility that the schedule and individual units offered." — Jennifer, U.S.
"The breadth and depth of information presented was wonderful - there is something here for both the aspiring lucid dreamer and the advanced or intermediate lucid dreamer!" — Laura, U.S
"As if we are one big uplifting family helping each other to take the next step forward in life and creativity. I really loved and enjoyed this workshop." — Siri, Netherlands
"In this Workshop a wonderful scientific approach of the journey to enlightenment is offered. The teachings are very clear and understandable (also for me as a non - scientist) and I enjoyed very much having got explained meditation states and methods in scientific language." — Gabriele, Austria
"I This online workshop format really works. ... Honestly I've received these teachings orally and from readings before, but after this course I feel like I finally understand what it is all about. Maybe this is due to Rinpoche's clear teachings in union with my readiness to absorb; so the result is progress I can observe. Yeah!!!" — Virginia, U.S
"I have been involved in a variety of meditation practices with dead and living teachers. Nothing beats being connected to other human beings. I have taken some useless courses but this was helpful and worthwhile. Thanks to all those involved." — Mary, U.S.
"I have never thought before that an online workshop could offer such a clear and so very high spiritual teaching in such a profound way that it touches every aspect of my being in a healing way. It is real beyond imagination." — Andrea, Germany
"Gratitude for such an awesome experience right in my home and appreciation for all that helped in making this workshop possible, many thanks." — Jini, U.S.
"LOVED the way we could try out exercises/suggestions and then get feedback from our teachers... worth noting the functionality, ease and superb IT involved. REALLY made everything so easy. No IT glitches at all. Forums provided were well organised and rules were sensible and allowed for a lot of fun as well." — Rebecka, Australia
We invite you to read more student feedback on individual workshop pages!