Jonathan Hammond

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your enrollment for any reason during the first week. The deadline is the first Friday of the workshop, and we will refund your enrollment fee less credit card fees charged by our payment processing provider.

Time-Zone Friendly: There are no set class times. Participants from all over the world can attend and no prior experience is needed. Audio/Visual material is pre-recorded and streamed. You can replay the instructional sessions as often as you need for the duration of the workshop.

System Requirements: Broadband Internet access is essential due to the streamed video content. We recommend the Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers for use with our course web sites. GlideWing Workshop Videos are compatible with all desktop, notebook and mobile devices, including Apple and Android tablets and smartphones.

About this Workshop

The Shaman's Mind workshop is a three-week, teacher-guided workshop, where Jonathan Hammond will be available for answering questions and for providing guidance and support throughout the duration of the program through our workshop forums. The instructional videos in the workshop have been pre-recorded, and so you do not need to be online at any particular time of day in order to participate. New teaching sessions will be introduced on the course site at noon, New York time, on Saturdays and Tuesdays and they will remain available for you to review for the duration of the program plus for an additional two weeks after the workshop has concluded. You can access our workshops using any computer or mobile device. The real work in the program is done with your regular practice using the methods Jonathan will be teaching, and to help you with this, there will be 12 guided audio exercises and meditations featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, that you can download from the course site. Those are yours to keep for after the workshop has concluded.

A Word From Jonathan

It is my belief that as holistic beings we must address our personal wellness through an integrated approach that includes an integration of the body, the mind and the spirit.

My work addresses all aspects of mental health, spiritual inquiry and healthy embodiment and it is meant to promote well-being and living an abundant life. I provide you with decades of experience, a finely-honed skill-set and a lazer-sharp intuition that will help my clients address the deepest questions and issues that they may face in their lives.

As an spiritual author and teacher, and a shamanic practitioner, my approach to healing and wellness is based on ancient wisdom that comes from a host of spiritual and psychological traditions.

The journey that we will take to together will help align you with your true nature – the powerful self and the inspired life that are your birthright. We will excavate the root cause(s) of your difficulties and negative patterns, and learn to understand and transform them.

My work begins where psychology leaves off (although it does have many psycho-therapeutic elements), because it also addresses the physical body and the your personal energy field.

We will look at the ways in which your past wounding, your current belief systems, your mental habits, your core values and your relationship with your body may be keeping you from the fullest expression of yourself and your greatest potential.

As opposed to merely adjusting behavior or processing the surface symptoms of personal story-lines (which are the main goals of psychotherapy), my work is about helping you align with your soul’s journey and honoring your individual search for purpose and meaning.

You will start to see your life as a cosmic opportunity to grow into and create the highest and brightest expression of yourself as you learn to invite the loving energies of the universe to help you co-create new and dynamic ways of being.

The Shaman's Mind

All major credit and debit cards accepted

Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Change Your Life

A Hemi-Sync® online workshop, with 11 downloadable guided meditations and exercises featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, along with personal support and guidance provided by Jonathan Hammond.

15% Discount Special Offer available for a limited time.

April 26 - May 18, 2025 Workshop registration: $349.00

To register using PayPal, click on the "Add to Cart" button, and then follow the instructions on the following page. Once we have processed your registration, we will complete your enrollment and send you further instructions by email.

You can also click here to purchase and enroll in the workshop using the Stripe payment system directly on the course site. where you can use your existing GlideWing account, or create a new one.

For assistance, please write to us at

The Shaman's Mind

“To reach your higher self – imagine who would be at your most satiated and realized, then make it twice as good, and you’ll be in the ballpark.”
— Jonathan Hammond

When a shaman likes what is happening, they know how to make it better, and when they don’t, they know how to change it. And so can you.

Join spiritual teacher and author Jonathan Hammond for a fascinating new three-week Glidewing course "The Shaman’s Mind." In this dynamic and experiential workshop, you will learn to transform your own mind into one that can see, think, reason, and connect with spirit just as the shamans do.

The workshop features 11 guided meditations and exercises with the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, along with personal support and guidance provided by Jonathan Hammond.

Since ancient times shamanic powers have been thought of as magical. A shaman lives in the world of unseen mysteries and bigger realities, supported by invisible forces imperceptible to most. To become a shaman is to open yourself to a whole spectrum of magical possibilities, to uncover profound truths about the nature of the world and ourselves, and to receive spiritual support and guidance in transcending the limitations of physical reality.

Huna is the esoteric shamanic tradition that comes from the heart of Polynesia and the indigenous spiritual teachings of Hawaii. Once considered a secret knowledge (Huna means “secret” in Hawaiian) and available only to a select group of people, this extraordinary set of practices, principles, ideas and methodologies allow the western psyche to understand and master the way of the great shamans of the past.

Just as shamans have done for millennia, throughout this course you too will explore hidden and invisible realities, learn to work with energy for manifestation, use the power of imagination and visualization for healing, heal the past and attract a better future, and begin to embody and speak the symbolic and paradoxical language of spirit.

This course will also include an expansive examination and detailed instruction on one of the most important shamanic practices on the planet - Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing process; a kind of “map” that demonstrates the magical alchemy of what love can do. Ho’oponopono is largely misunderstood and mis-taught practice, and this course will help you to understand and use it correctly.

Huna can be a solitary spiritual path or serve to empower your existing practices. Regardless of how you choose to use Huna Shamanism, it will lead you toward successful living, the manifestation of your dreams, and an overall increased effectiveness and satisfaction in life.

The course will cover Hawaiian shamanic practices for divination, energy work, spell casting, manifestation techniques and much more. Topics from the course include*:

  • Universal Shamanic Cosmology
  • Working with Spirit Guides
  • Shamanic Journeying
  • The Seven Principles of Huna
  • The Three Aspects of the Self
  • The Four Levels of Reality of Huna
  • Ho’oponopono practice

Each of the six sessions in this course will end with a meditation or technique to help you enhance your journey of consciousness, featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, along with suggested practices intended for you to incorporate the material into your daily life.

With personal guidance and support provided by Jonathan Hammond for the duration of the course.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER The intention of this workshop, and its teachers and producers, is only to offer information of a general and educational nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The teachings and exercises presented in the workshop do not represent medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a substitute or replacement for seeking professional care or treatment for physical, psychological/emotional, or medical problems you may be experiencing.

If you have any specific questions about any medical or psychological matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from a medical or psychological condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking professional medical/psychological advice, disregard such advice, or discontinue medical/psychological treatment because of information provided in the workshop or on our related web site. In the event you use any of the information in this course for yourself or others, the course teachers and producers assume no responsibility for your actions.

DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® while driving or operating heavy equipment, or with other devices that may influence brain-wave activity. If you have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental condition(s), DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® without first consulting your physician. In the unlikely event that you experience any unusual physical or mental discomfort, immediately discontinue use.

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