Joel Fotinos
Workshop Syllabus
Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich:
The Spiritual Path to Financial Freedom and Beyond
- About This Workshop
- How to Get the Most Out of This Workshop
- Intro Worksheet - Napolean Hill's 13 Steps to Riches
- Statement of Desire - Part One
- Statement of Desire - Part Two
- Turning Defeats Into Victories
- The Importance of the Statement of Desire
- Creating Your Statement of Desire - Guided Exercise
- Creating Your Statement of Desire - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Three Feet From Gold
- Daily Actions - Guided Exercise
- Daily Actions - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Session One Worksheets
- The Role of "Faith" in Think and Grow Rich
- The Self-Confidence Formula
- Self-Confidence - Guided Exercise
- Self-Confidence - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Auto-Suggestion
- Auto-Suggestion for Positivity - Guided Exercise
- Auto-Suggestion for Positivity - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Be On the Alert
- Big How and Little How
- Suggested Practice
- Session Two Worksheets
- Special Life Knowledge
- Two Forms of Imagination
- Definiteness of Purpose
- Being Open to Life
- Suggested Practice
- Session Three Worksheets
- The Master Mind
- Master Mind Basics
- A Quitter Never Wins
- Leadership - Attributes and Failures
- The Thirty Major Causes of Failure
- Self-Inventory - Guided Exercise
- Self-Inventory - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Suggested Practice
- Session Four Worksheets
- Decision
- Persistence
- The Power of the Master Mind
- The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
- Sitting for Ideas
- Sitting for Ideas - Guided Exercise
- Sitting for Ideas - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Suggested Practice
- Session Five Worksheets
- The Subconscious Mind
- The Brain Resource
- The Sixth Sense and the Imaginary Counsel
- The Imaginary Counsel - Guided Exercise
- The Imaginary Counsel - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Outwitting the Six Ghosts of Fear
- The Seventh Basic Evil
- Alibis
- Suggested Practice
- Session Six Worksheets
- Conclusion
- Conclusion Worksheets
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