Kenn Day
Workshop Syllabus
Opening Inner Doorways: The Ancient Art of Shamanic Journeying
- Please tell us about your previous experience
- Welcome! - Introduction from Kenn Day
- A Brief Explanation of Post-Tribal Shamanism
- Workshop Overview - How to Get the Most out of this Workshop
- Creating a Proper Environment for your Practice
- Demonstration of Proper Posture for your Practice
- A Word About Mental Attitude and Intention
- An Introduction to Shamanic Cosmology
- Shamanic Journeying
- The Nature of the Soul
- Opening Inner Doorways: Single-Pointed Internal Focus Concentration
- Creating a Shared Spiritual Space
- Introduction to the Doorway of the Heart Center
- Moving Into Shamanic Body - Simplified Written Instructions
- The Heart Center Doorway - Guided Practice
- Homework: The Practice of Focused Concentration in the Heart Center
- Moving Into Shamanic Body - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Closing the Shared Space
- The Shamanic Body
- Introduction to the Lodge
- Dealing with Issues That May Arise
- Shared versus Individual Experience
- Creative Visualization - A Brief Example
- Preparing to Journey to the Lodge
- Opening the Shared Space
- The Lodge - Guided Practice
- Homework: Returning to the Lodge
- Homework: Practice Demonstration
- Journey to the Lodge - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Closing the Shared Space
- Introduction to the Middle World
- More About Shamanic Cosmology
- Shamanic Healing
- About Shamanic Drumming
- Preparing to Journey into the Middle World
- Opening the Shared Space
- The Middle World - Guided Practice
- Homework: Returning to the Middle World
- Journey to the Middle World - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Closing the Shared Space
- Introduction to the Upper World
- Spirit Allies
- Preparing to Journey into the Upper World
- Opening the Shared Space
- The Upper World - Guided Practice
- Homework: Returning to the Upper World
- Journey to the Upper World - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Closing the Shared Space
- Introduction to the Lower World
- The Ancestral Soul
- Soul Retrieval
- Preparing to Journey into the Lower World
- Opening the Shared Space
- The Lower World - Guided Practice
- Homework: Returning to the Lower World
- Journey to the Lower World - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Closing the Shared Space
- Conclusion - Heaven and Earth
- Integration into Wholeness
- Preparing for the Heaven and Earth Ritual Journey
- Heaven and Earth - Guided Practice
- Heaven and Earth Ritual Journey - Downloadable Audio File (MP3)
- Closing the Shared Space
- Recommendations for Further Practice
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