Robert Waggoner
Workshop Syllabus
Lucid Dreaming and Living Lucidly
- Welcome! Introduction to the Workshop
- What are Lucid Dreams?
- The Myth of Control
- Why learn to Lucid Dream?
- Using Lucid Dreaming to Live Lucidly
- A brief history of Lucid Dreaming
- Robert Waggoner's life as a Lucid Dreamer
- Lucid Dreaming and the Out of Body Experience
- The Structure of the Workshop
- Practice: Improving your dream recall
- Setting a Goal
- Advice for Beginners
- What to expect in a Lucid Dream
- Factors for Success
- Waking up from a Lucid Dream
- Precautions, Preparations, Flexibility and Fearlessness
- Practice Advice
- Practice: Incubating a Dreamsign
- Practice: Inducing a Lucid Dream - Finding your Hands in a Dream
- Practice: The Power of Suggestion
- Modulating your Emotions
- Elevating your Awareness
- Maintaining your Focus
- Establishing Intent
- Successfully Expressing Intent
- Preparing in advance for Lucid Dreaming
- How Lucid Dreams End
- Moving in a Lucid Dream
- Relating to Dream Objects
- Dealing with Instincts
- Practice: · Lucid Living - Altering Habitual Patterns
Principles of Reality Creation in Lucid Dreams
- Expectations
- Beliefs
- Focus
- Intent and Will
- "X", the Inner Unknown
- Variety of Dream Figures
- Threatening Dream Figures and Unusual Situations
- Independent Agents among Dream Figures
- Interacting with Dream Figures
- Practice: The Nap to Lucidity or Wake Back to Bed Technique
- Practice: Dream Re-entry
- Practice: MILD - Lucid Dreaming Induction Technique by Stephen LaBerge
Dream Figures
- Mutual Lucid Dreams
- Interacting with Deceased Dream Figures
- Interacting with Pets in Lucid Dreams
- Review Committees
- Calling on the Awareness Behind the Dream
- Experimenting with your Lucid Dreams
- Self Clarity - The Noble Eightfold Path
- Practice: Becoming Pure Awareness - Self Clarify Exercise
- Practice: Active Imagination
- Practice: Active Imagination Guided Exercise
- Shamanic View of Lucid Dreaming
- Emotional Healing and Wholeness
- Lucid Dreams and Physical Health and Healing
- Lucid Dreams and Healing Others
- Practice: The Tholey Technique - Developing a Lucid Mind Set
- Practice: WILD - The Wake-Induced Lucid Dream
- Lucid Dreaming Induction Techniques in Buddhism
- Telepathy and Clairvoyance
- Rational Analysis of your Telepathic Success
- Experimenting with Time and Space in a Lucid Dream
- Surrendering to a Higher Awareness
- Exploring Spiritual Ideas and Concepts
- Experiencing Spiritual Ideas in a Lucid Dream
- Practice: Stop, Look and Listen - What am I aware of now?
- Meditating in a Lucid Dream
- Contacting Past Selves in a Lucid Dream
- Going Beyond Form
- The Role of Beliefs in our Experiences
- Practice: Recognizing the Shadow in our Daily Life
- Review and Conclusion - Our Inner Awareness
- The Truer Nature of the Dream Environment
- The Hidden Reservoir of Knowledge
- The Realm of Pure Awareness
- A Conscious and Alive Universe
- The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Lucid Dreaming
- Farewell and Closing Advice
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