Stephan A. Schwartz
Workshop Syllabus
Empower Yourself to Foster Wellbeing
- Introduction to the Workshop
- The 8 Laws of Change Book - Downloadable File
SESSION ONE: Beingness
- Beingness: The 8 Laws of Change
- The Beingness Doctrine (Downloadable PDF)
- A Reality Based on Consciousness (Downloadable PDF)
SESSION TWO: The 8 Laws of Change Part One
- The 8 Laws of Change In Brief
SESSION THREE: The 8 Laws of Change Part Two
- The Psychophysiology of Social Change
- 8 Laws TEDx Talk
SESSION FOUR: Meditation
- Meditation for Modern Minds
- Guided Practice - Meditation for Modern Minds (Downloadable Audio File)
- Meditation for Modern Minds (Downloadable PDF)
- Meditation: The Psychophysical Process (Downloadable PDF)
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