Stephan A. Schwartz
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your enrollment for any reason during the first week. The deadline is the first Friday of the workshop, and we will refund your enrollment fee less credit card fees charged by our payment processing provider.
Time-Zone Friendly: There are no set class times. Participants from all over the world can attend and no prior experience is needed. Audio/Visual material is pre-recorded and streamed. You can replay the instructional sessions as often as you need for the duration of the workshop.
System Requirements: Broadband Internet access is essential due to the streamed video content. We recommend the Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers for use with our course web sites. GlideWing Workshop Videos are compatible with all desktop, notebook and mobile devices, including Apple and Android tablets and smartphones.
Here is what previous participants have to say about this workshop
"This course has been so insightful and life changing... very enlightening and inspiring! Life makes so much more sense like seeing
the other half of the picture while it's been right underneath our noses all this time. It explains so much. And it's good to listen to
one's inner voice that we so often ignore or minimize."
––Mathieu, Canada
"I want to thank you for a wonderfully enjoyable course. You’ve given me a lot to think about. It has been a rare privilege to communicate with you and to
get your invaluable feedback on my RV sessions (worth more than the price of the course in my opinion). I am very impressed by the quality, depth and
breadth of your thinking. Will be looking forward to your new books. With thanks and gratitude,"
–– Jim, USA
"I want to thank you Stephan for sharing all your knowledge and your wonderfull guided meditations. I love them. Thank you,"
–– Heidi, USA
"I had previous training in remote view and found this class to be outstanding in information and technique. I didn't leave with one question unanswered. As a meditation instructor, I really enjoyed the meditation for modern minds as well". — Lori, USA
"Very powerful and life-changing, the course was exactly what was appropriate for me at this point in my life and it's power, if one is receptive, is beyond logical comprehension.. I am very grateful to Stephan Schwartz for the work that has gone into developing it and for the support provided during the course, and for the organization and flexibility from GlideWing". — Roberto, Cyprus
"I "baulked" initially at spending "three full weeks" at an "internet course", am I glad I "negotiated" that small hurdle, a little "out of my league" at the beginning of the course, but tremendously exciting and rewarding thereafter, many thanks!" — Brendan, Ireland
"The method/approach to remote viewing is straight-forward and also includes recent research about targets and environmental factors that can improve remote viewing results. I am also finding the meditation technique taught in the class particularly helpful. Stephan's comments in the class forum are helpful and informative". — Timothy, USA
"The most powerful experience I have ever had in a course. The content was excellent and incredibly engaging... To be honest, the results were better than what I expected in terms of accuracy before the course... I want to thank Stephan for the learning and the course itself. " — Daniel, UK
"The course gave me some practical guidance which confirmed my ideas about 'communicating' across time/space. I discovered I am able to do this... It also, and perhaps most important for me, gave me the insight I have been missing about how to do distance healing works. I am a practicing Reiki Master/Teacher, now I can explain it in detail to my students. A big thank you, Stephan!" — Charles, USA
"I appreciated that Dr. Schwartz shared research-based information and provided opportunities to practice remote viewing". — Dorothea, USA
"Love the background research on all especially the Therapeutic intention. I enjoyed the course and I think very highly of Stephan Schwartz". — Lucille, USA
"A very comprehensive workshop which I greatly appreciated". — Mary, USA
"The depth of information shared in this course is profound. It will take time to digest is all. I look forward to this challenge and will put into practice what I have learned step by step." — Philip, USA
"It was a pleasure to immerse myself in the delicious research and accompanying opportunities to experience the concepts for myself". — Jan, USA
"An enjoyable and true learning experience with the tools to practice and further ones development". — Pareese, USA
"This class exceeded expectations. My life feels perfectly aligned with all of the content, so much so that I couldn’t ignore the build-up of energy, the high vibrational quality in my body and mind... My deepest gratitude". — Colleen, USA
"I found this workshop to be what I had hoped, which is that it raised my awareness by presenting the research that shows our consciousness is much more powerful, and important, than we realize in everyday life. There is something about having that realization that makes it possible to then act on it, and live differently in the world." — Diane, USA
"Am using the meditation technique which has gotten me back into daily meditation thankfully, and the healing meditation was surprisingly helpful." — Kathleen, USA
"What I loved most concerning Stephan Schwartz' "Opening to the Infinite" 2014 online workshop is the simple, direct and precise manner with which he goes through sometimes complex concepts, experiences or procedures, but also that he uses the right words to make us want to cross with him the boundaries of time, of space and of our intellectual and spiritual comfort zones." — Jean-Luc, France
"The program was excellent and well organized - the information current and applications practical." — Jo, USA
Opening to the Infinite

Learn the Art and Science of Remote Viewing and Non-Local Consciousness
March 15 - April 6, 2025With personal support and guidance from Stephan A. Schwartz
Workshop registration: $349.00
New for 2025: Your registration also includes the Remote Viewing Gold Standard Course by Stephan Schwartz at no additional cost! ($218.85 if purchased separately)
To register using PayPal, click on the "Add to Cart" button, and then follow
the instructions on the following page. Once we have processed your registration,
we will complete your enrollment and send you further instructions by email.
You can also click here to purchase and enroll in the workshop using the Stripe payment system directly on the course site. On the course site, you can use your existing GlideWing account, or create a new one.
For assistance, please write to us at programs@glidewing.com.
What is the nature of consciousness?
Where does Creative Genius come from? Where does Spiritual Epiphany come from? Where do Psychic Experiences come from? And how are we to explain the exceptional experiences that have been reported throughout human history, across time and geography and culture? Near-death experiences; Out-of-Body experiences; Telepathy; Clairvoyance; Precognition?
Opening to the Infinite is an online course that represents the culmination of nearly 50 years of research into the nature of consciousness by one of the leading consciousness researchers of our time, Stephan A. Schwartz. Stephan takes you into the world of Remote Viewing, Dream Crafting, and Therapeutic Intention. It gives you practical techniques for mastering these skills, as well as a foundation for achieving the ability to sustain Intentioned Focused Awareness, the key to bringing these skills into your life.
Throughout the entire workshop Stephan Schwartz will be there to support you, provide personal advice and answer your questions.
The Workshop
Learn and Study with Stephan Schwartz:
Remote Viewing Methods and Protocols, beginning to advanced - Remote Viewing is the ability to describe persons, places, and events via some aspect of consciousness that cannot presently be explained. It refers to the sense impressions and to the protocols used in obtaining them. Stephan Schwartz, who was part of the group of researchers who developed these protocols, takes you through them, step-by-step.
There is nothing supernatural about the practice of Remote Viewing. It is simply a matter of making yourself consciously aware of an information channel that we all have access to. This same channel is what fuels hunches, gut feelings and intuition, as well as spiritual revelation and moments of inspiration and genius. Learning to Remote View is learning to listen more carefully to information that is already there and available. Mastering this skill can only make you a more focused, more sensitive human being, to others and to all the life around you.
Meditation for Modern Minds - Learning to access Nonlocal Consciousness is very much like learning a martial art. Like the martial arts, it requires a special mindfulness - your success is a matter of your focus. We refer to this as Intentioned Focused Awareness. Amongst many other benefits, meditation teaches you focus. And the success of opening to the transcendental part of yourself is strongly affected by this ability. Regular practice of meditation has also been scientifically proven to change your brain chemistry, lower blood pressure, make you sleep better, feel less stressed and much more.
The difficulty for most people living in today’s modern world is that traditional meditation methods were developed in an age very different to today’s fast-paced rhythm. Stephan introduces a simple but effective meditation method for modern minds in a modern age. Meditation for Modern Minds was specifically designed with scientifically proven meditation techniques to help you effectively and efficiently deal with issues of a modern life, and in achieving the ability to sustain Intentioned Focused Awareness.
Therapeutic Intention and Harmonic Healing - From the earliest times we seem to have known intuitively that the directed mind and human spirit have the power to bring healing to oneself and others. All religions and spiritual paths honor the power of Therapeutic Intent. Now laboratory and clinical research in dozens of studies has confirmed this belief scientifically. The work has demonstrated that everyone has the power to heal. Stephan shares with you fascinating research that illustrates this innate ability within each of us, and teaches you methods for using Focused Intention in what he calls "Harmonic Healing." Harmonic Healing combines a respect for the ancient traditions as well as the insights of science to take you on an inner-voyage that will show you how to link to the greater whole and activate your power to heal.
Lucid Dreaming and Dream Crafting - Dreams have, through the ages, been recognized as a distinct state of consciousness. However the scientific understanding of the physiology of sleep and dreams traces back less than a century, to the late 1930s. Since then, research has identified distinct states of consciousness associated with sleep and dreams, and these states can be tapped as a source of knowledge and inspiration. Stephan introduces methods for using Focused Intention for Dream Crafting, where you can harness your dreams to obtain information from your subconscious, Nonlocal mind, that you can use in very practical ways in your daily life.
Workshop Features:
- Three-week online workshop
- Practical Instruction presented with streaming video - no set class times
- Easy-to-use course website
- Personal support and guidance from Stephan Schwartz
- Downloadable guided audio exercises for your practice
- Learn and practice from the comfort of your own home
The Gold Standard Course
Included with your registration at no additional cost
The Online Gold Standard Course includes 10 Streaming Videos, 5 Audio Recordings, and my book, Opening to the Infinite. By the time you have finished this program, you will know everything science knows about remote viewing, and you will have been carefully and gently guided through a series of experiences so that you will understand this aspect of your consciousness that is not limited by space-time. And although I can not guarantee it, it would not surprise me if you become as proficient in remote viewing as the people who worked in my Mobius laboratory. These are the men and women, much like you, who discovered sunken ships in the Caribbean and California. Who located Cleopatra’s Palace, Mark Antony’s Timonium, and the ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.
Learn more about the Gold Standard Course >>
About Stephan A. Schwartz
For over 50 years Stephan Schwartz has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology.
Stephan is a Distinguished Associated Scholar for The California Insitute for Human Science, Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University, and a BIAL Foundation Fellow. He is an award-winning author of both fiction and non-fiction, columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. He is also an Associate Editor of the journal Archaeology&Anthropology.
His other academic and research appointments include: Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute; founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory; Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center; and Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society. Government appointments include: Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, consultant to the Oceanographer of the Navy. He has also been editorial staff member of National Geographic Magazine, Managing Editor of Sea Power Magazine. And staff reporter and feature writer for The Daily Press and The Times Herald.
Stephan is currently writing a book which will go into great detail about what the Remote Viewers say is coming in the future. If you would like to be notified when the book is published, please just leave your name and email address here and we will notify you when the book is available.
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