Luigi Sciambarella and Thomas Hasenberger
Based in England, Luigi Sciambarella is an Outreach and Residential Trainer for the world-renowned Monroe Institute, established by consciousness pioneer, Robert Monroe. He has had out of body and lucid dreaming experiences from an early age and has been methodically documenting and studying them for over 16 years. Luigi has a background in psychology, hypnosis and psychotherapy and is involved in experimental research to develop new applications for the Institute’s sound technology and is the co-creator of the residential program, the Lucid Dreaming Intensive. He also facilitates weekend and week-long programs in the UK and globally, as well as giving conference lectures on the exploration of consciousness using sound technology.
Thomas Hasenberger is an experienced meditator and lucid dreaming explorer. He is an Outreach and Residential Trainer for the Monroe Institute, and runs weekend and week-long programs in Germany and across the world. He is also the co-creator of the Lucid Dreaming Intensive residential program and has extensive knowledge of lucid dreaming and out of body experience techniques and practices. Thomas has studied thanatology and has profound knowledge of several Eastern meditative traditions and their philosophical backgrounds. He has taught lucid dreaming to psychotherapists in Germany, as well as participating in current scientific research on lucid dreaming using MRI scanners.
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