William Buhlman

Susan Buhlman
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between the two online workshops, “Adventures beyond the Body” and “Our Incredible Journey”?
“Adventures Beyond the Body, Mastering the OBE Experience” is a comprehensive self-guided online course focused on the
preparation, mindset and methods required to initiate out-of-body experiences. The steps, intention and techniques designed
for controlled out-of-body exploration are explored in detail. Each participant will experience a comprehensive array of proven
OBE methods including the target technique, inner motion, visualization and energy body activation. The primary goal of this course
is to provide you with usable tools, practices and techniques to support your own inner explorations.
Our Incredible Journey is also a comprehensive self-guided online course, based on the book, “Higher Self Now.” William and his wife, Susan wrote this book and developed the workshop with the deep desire to help awaken and inform about the amazing reality of our spirituality and our continuing life journey. The course presents detailed information about the nature of reality and the journey of consciousness beyond the physical. Included are many techniques and practices to enhance and prepare you and your loved ones for transition beyond the physical body.
As a hospice volunteer, bereavement coach and a certified end-of-life doula, Susan discusses the transition we call death and suggests a new paradigm for viewing death and assisting our loved ones—and ourselves—in making the death experience a joyous release and the start of a new journey. She will present real life strategies and solutions for those who have had a life limiting diagnosis, along with the friends and family that care for them.
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